On this, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we give thanks for the many signs of hope across our diocese in the year 2024. May we enter this Jubilee Year firmly rooted in Jesus ready to take up our baptismal call as Pilgrims of Hope to go and make disciples of all nations!
During the Jubilee Year we want to highlight signs of hope from all corners of the diocese. If you have a story or photo to share, please send it to communications@
“And now, in memory of our Baptism, let us welcome God’s presence within us. We can do so with the sign of the cross, which traces in us the memory of the grace of God, who loves us and wishes to stay with us. That sign of the cross reminds us of this. Let us do it together: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”(Angelus, 7 January 2024)