As of January 1, 2025, the Board has approved 216 projects from across Canada, including nine from our diocese. I am very grateful for the work of our dedicated local IRF committee, whose report is included with this letter to provide information about the exciting projects that have been funded in our diocese.
To assist in this important work, the Diocese of Saint John takes up a special collection for the IRF annually at the Lord’s Day Masses on the last weekend of January. Your generous financial support of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund will be part of our action plan moving forward to support various initiatives for healing and reconciliation involving our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
You may contribute to this fundraising appeal using the special collection envelopes in your boxed sets at Masses for the weekend of January 25-26.
Au 1er janvier 2025, le conseil d'administration a approuvé 216 projets provenant de tout le Canada, dont neuf dans notre diocèse. Je suis très reconnaissant du travail de notre comité local du IRF, dont le rapport est joint à cette lettre pour fournir des informations sur les projets passionnants qui ont été financés dans notre diocèse. Pour appuyer cet effort important, le diocèse de Saint John organise chaque année une collecte spéciale pour l'IRF lors des messes du Jour du Seigneur, la dernière fin de semaine de janvier. Votre soutien financier généreux au Fonds de réconciliation avec les autochtones fera partie de notre plan d'action pour soutenir diverses initiatives de guérison et de réconciliation impliquant nos frères et sœurs autochtones. Vous pouvez contribuer à cet appel de collecte de fonds en utilisant les enveloppes de collecte spéciales qui se trouvent dans vos boîtes lors des messes du fin de semaine des 25 et 26 janvier.
Our local IRF committee is very grateful to work with the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund. The approval of these nine projects as well as applications to be received through the coming year and beyond allows us to continue moving forward with concrete actions in learning about and acting on the
Calls to Action of the National Truth and Reconciliation Report, especially the Calls to Action that are directed at Churches. We encourage and welcome your generosity with the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Collection to be taken up throughout the diocese the last weekend of January 2025. With your ongoing help and support the diocese is expected to meet its funding target within the year and looks forward to supporting the important work of reconciliation and healing for years to come."
The Holy Spirit is on the move at the Cathedral! As we continue to respond to the spiritual needs of the faithful through, there remain immediate needs at the Cathedral that must be properly managed in order to be good stewards of this beautiful place of worship. This Giving Tuesday, please consider supporting the Cathedral Restoration.
In this Jubilee Year may we, as Pilgrims of Hope guided by the Holy Spirit, truly recognize the spark of hope that dwells in the heart of each person we encounter, that desire for and expectation of good things and happiness. May we, Pilgrims of Hope, enkindle and fan into flame that hope with our proclamation in word and deed that Jesus is alive, that he loves us, and is the fulfillment of all our truest desires and dreams!
En cette année jubilaire, puissions-nous, en tant que pèlerins de l'espérance guidés par l'Esprit Saint, reconnaître vraiment l'étincelle d'espérance qui habite le cœur de chaque personne que nous rencontrons, ce désir et cette attente de bonnes choses et de bonheur. Puissions-nous, pèlerins de l'espérance, raviver et attiser cette espérance en proclamant, en paroles et en actes, que Jésus est vivant, qu'il nous aime et qu'il est l'accomplissement de tous nos désirs et de tous nos rêves les plus sincères !
Catechetical resource on plenary indulgences for the Jubilee Year along with the texts of the Apostolic Blessings. These resources come from Decree on the Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 called by His Holiness Pope Francis.
Ressource catéchétique portant sur les indulgences de l'année jubilaire, de même que les textes des bénédictions apostoliques. Ces ressources viennent de la Note sur l’indulgence plénière concédée durant le Jubilé ordinaire de l’année 2025 annoncé par le pape François.
You can contribute to this special collection on the weekend of December 7-8 using envelopes marked, “PRO-LIFE OFFERING”. Your prayerful and financial support will help promote respect and protection of human life at all stages, from conception to natural death. I urge you in charity to respond generously.
Vous pouvez contribuer à cette collecte spéciale la fin de semaine du 7 et 8 décembre en utilisant des enveloppes portant la mention « COLLECTE PRO-VIE ». Votre soutien financier et votre prière contribueront à promouvoir le respect et la protection de la vie humaine à toutes les étapes, de la conception à la mort naturelle. Je vous invite, par charité, à contribuer généreusement.
This resource is the result of a priority that was assigned to the Commission by the Bishops of the English Sector at their annual meeting in September 2023.
Framed around the story of Jesus healing the daughter of Jairus, as related in the Gospel of Mark (5:21-43), the pastoral letter is divided into three sections: catechesis in the family, catechesis with the family, and catechesis of the family.
Read the CCCB's Pastoral Letter on Evangelization and Catechesis in the Family here.
Alphonsus Liguori wrote this Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Pray the appropriate prayer for each day, followed by the Prayer to Our Suffering Savior for the Holy Souls in Purgatory located at the bottom of the section.
Today, Pope Francis announced a Consistory for the creation of 20 new Cardinals from around the world to be held in Vatican City on 8 December 2024 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception). The Most Reverend Francis Leo, Archbishop of Toronto, is among those who will be elevated to the College of Cardinals and will become the 18th Cardinal in the history of the Catholic Church in Canada.
During this month of October dedicated to Mary, and especially today on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, at a time when there continues to be so much violence between peoples and nations in the Middle East (and elsewhere), I invite all Catholics in Canada to take up Pope Francis’ invitation to pray and fast for peace.
Jimy Beltran, is a member of Catholic Young Adults Fredericton, a network of young Catholic adults living our faith in fellowship in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He shares about growing in courage to step out in faith and share his testimony.
"We didn't know we needed this couple's retreat until we invested and experienced the Worldwide Marriage Encounter!"
Read Mark and Genessa's testimony about their Marriage Encounter weekend, September 27-29 at the Villa Madonna Retreat House.
Let us invoke the powerful intercession of Mary, Mother of God, in praying that the whole world will know the gift of Jesus’ saving love in the power of the Eucharist and become Christ’s intentional and missionary disciples.
Au coeur qui est seul, au coeur qui est confus, au coeur qui est affligé, au coeur qui est en colère, au coeur qui se sent rejeté, au coeur qui est désespéré, je dis : vous êtes vus, vous êtes connus et vous êtes aimés dans votre coeur des coeurs. Que le Sacré-Coeur de Jésus, enflammé d'amour pour vous, vous attire plus profondément dans son coeur, vous transforme davantage à sa ressemblance et vous remplisse de sa joie abondante. « Jésus, doux et humble de coeur, rends mon coeur semblable au Tien ».
To the heart that is lonely, to the heart that is confused, to the heart that is grieved, to the heart that is angry, to the heart that feels rejected, to the heart that is despairing, I say, you are seen, you are known, and you are loved in your heart of hearts. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus aflame with love for you draw you more deeply into his heart, transform you more into his likeness, and fill you with his abundant joy. “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.”