by Camila Gomez, a third-year STU student and Campus Ministry Assistant
On March 23, 2023, the Campus Ministry programs at St. Thomas University and the University of New Brunswick hosted an evening of worship at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. Camila Gomez, third-year STU student and Campus Ministry Assistant, shares about her experience of this powerful evening of prayer and the impact that worship has had on her life.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus’ rising to Heaven calls us to look up, setting our minds on things that are above and finding our strength in him. He reaches into our lives, with all that we carry and the unique challenges we face and walks alongside of us, taking our burdens upon himself. Because of his suffering, death and resurrection we can live with the confidence of knowing that we are never abandoned.
Mes chers frères et sœurs dans le Christ, L'ascension de Jésus dans le ciel nous appelle à lever les yeux, à rechercher les réalités d’en haut et à puiser notre force en lui. Il pénètre dans nos vies, avec tout ce que nous portons et les défis uniques auxquels nous sommes confrontés et il marche à nos côtés, prenant nos fardeaux sur son dos. Grâce à sa souffrance, à sa mort et à sa résurrection, nous pouvons vivre en étants confiants qu’il ne nous abandonnera jamais.