Earlier today, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died following a long life of humble service to God. We mourn his passing and give thanks for the devoted pastoral ministry he offered as theologian, priest, bishop and supreme pontiff, but most of all for the witness of his holy life as a disciple of Jesus. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.
Aujourd’hui, les évêques du Canada se joignent au pape François et au peuple de Dieu qui pleurent le décès du pape émérite Benoît XVI; ils rendent grâce à Dieu pour sa vie de service humble et dévoué. Benoît XVI laisse derrière lui un grand héritage d’enseignement qui continuera de nous inspirer, tant par les trois encycliques qu’il a rédigées que par les nombreux discours publics qu’il a prononcés à travers le monde en tant que Souverain Pontife. Le pape Benoit XVI, « Cardinal Ratzinger », a été un guide fidèle et sûr de la doctrine catholique tout au long de ses divers offices auprès du Saint Siège.
FROM the Publisher: Dear readers, I am writing to inform you that after more than a century, production of The New Freeman is coming to an end. This issue (December 23/30, 2022) will be the last for our print diocesan newspaper. Recent popes have used the concept of a "Petrine principle" and a "Marian principle" to describe the important role women and men together play in the Catholic Church, but a biblical scholar writing in the Vatican newspaper said it is time to talk about the discriminatory and stereotypical notions behind it. On the weekend of December 10-11, the Third Sunday of Advent, the Diocese of Saint John launched a diocesan-wide census.
Pope's World Peace Day message: the time has come for all of us to endeavour to heal our society and our planet, to lay the foundations for a more just and peaceful world, and to commit ourselves seriously to pursuing a good that is truly common. Le message du Pape François: il est temps de nous engager tous pour guérir notre société et notre planète, en créant les bases d'un monde plus juste et plus pacifique, effectivement engagé dans la poursuite d'un bien qui soit vraiment commun.
Dr. Moira McQueen, director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute comments on a recent Angus Reid poll that reveals Canadians have very complex views on abortion. While 2022 finally saw the publication of Pope Francis' constitution reforming the Roman Curia, the biggest news and the biggest changes in his ministry came from Russia's war on Ukraine and from the pope's own problems walking. Even the most fervent believers go through moments of doubt and questioning about God, and it is a good thing, Pope Francis said, because it helps one see that God does not fit into the little box people make for him.
Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC of the Diocese of Saint John has penned a pastoral letter in honour of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. A daily examination of conscience even for “just two minutes, ...it will do you good, I promise," Pope recently said at the Vatican. The Christmas carol O Holy Night ranked first in a list of hymns most played in December at Christian churches.
Let us come before the Lord with the same boldness and humility as the Blessed Mother, asking him to fulfill our needs with deep trust in his goodness and gracious Providence. Faced with many challenges, let us proclaim with bold and expectant faith that Jesus Christ is born among us, he is Emmanuel – God with us - and that changes everything.
Approchons le Seigneur avec la même conviction et la même humilité que la Sainte Mère, lui demandant de répondre à nos besoins avec une profonde confiance en sa bonté et sa gracieuse Providence. Face à de nombreux défis, proclamons avec une foi audacieuse et ferme que Jésus-Christ est né parmi nous, il est Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous, et le monde est transformé par sa présence.