Canada’s Catholic Bishops have agreed to establish a new registered charity to support and advance healing and reconciliation initiatives. The charity is expected to manage the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund, which will accept contributions from 73 dioceses across Canada in order to fulfill the $30 million financial commitment made by Canada’s Bishops in September.
Les évêques catholiques du Canada ont convenu de créer un nouvel organisme de bienfaisance enregistré pour soutenir et promouvoir les initiatives de guérison et de réconciliation. L’organisme de bienfaisance aura pour mission de gérer le Fonds de réconciliation avec les Autochtones, qui recueillera les contributions de 73 diocèses du Canada afin d’honorer l’engagement financier de 30 millions de dollars pris par les évêques du Canada en septembre dernier.
As of 11:59 pm tomorrow, January 14, 2022, the Government of New Brunswick is moving the province to level 3 of its Covid-19 Winter Plan. For faith venues, this means that only “outdoor, virtual or in-car religious services” are permitted. We have been told that this is only temporary, for the next few weeks until January 30, 11:59 p.m. Meanwhile, it is important for you to know that the Church is here for you and that your pastors truly care about your physical and spiritual well-being.
The COVID-19 pandemic calls for an urgent reality check against baseless information and for increased efforts so everyone has access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostic tools, Pope Francis told diplomats from around the world. He said he supported fully the use of vaccines. Rescheduling the Indigenous delegations’ visits with Pope Francis in Rome in the midst of the Omicron-fuelled global COVID resurgence is not going to be easy, but the parties are committed to moving forward and looking to Spring 2022. In his Christmas homily Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC, of the Diocese of Saint John took the opportunity to affirm the family. “More than ever families need to be encouraged and supported as they strive to live out their vocation and mission as domestic churches...”
Alpha Course (Zoom) starting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 , at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy the weeks of community enjoyment while exploring and discovering God's great love for YOU! Make new friends, ask the tough questions in an open, non judgmental environment. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of all or no faith background. It's free, Bring a friend- it is an awesome experience to do this with a friend or family member (and with Zoom, it becomes easy to join from anywhere). Enjoy the absence of COVID concerns! More info and sign-up: Susan Nicol: [email protected]