Like many parishes throughout the Diocese of Saint John, the people of St. Croix Parish (St. Andrews-by-the-Sea and St. Stephen churches) have taken seriously Bishop Christian Riesbeck’s call to promote one tool of evangelization, offering a second Alpha in the parish this winter. - Across Canada and throughout the world, diocese are reorganizing and amalgamating parishes. As the impossible math of too many parishes, not enough priests and not enough parishioners strikes home, many are asking the question, what’s a parish for? - As Perseverance, the latest probe on Mars, gears up to send to Earth high-definition images, video and audio of its surroundings, one papal astronomer said he hoped the fresh new discoveries will inspire future explorers.
During the pandemic, Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception are responding to local and global concerns through prayer and advocacy. Technology enables them to participate in online retreats and conferences. Amid restrictions, the Sisters continue to connect, celebrate and give thanks. Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC of the Diocese of Saint John gives his message for Lent 2021. The Bible in a Year Podcast with Father Mike Schmitz took the world by surprise when it climbed to the top of’s Podcast Chart, beating out new services, television networks and other mainstream sources. Now well into February the Ascension Press podcast maintains a rating of 4.3/5 and sits at number 7 on the chart.
The CCCB has produced a video series Journey through Lent, which includes an introduction to the liturgical Season and reflections on the Gospel readings of each Sunday in Lent.
La CECC avons produit une série de vidéos intitulée Cheminer ensemble durant le temps du Carême, qui comprend une introduction au temps liturgique et des réflexions sur les Évangiles de chaque dimanche.
Lent is a season of hope – it means new springtime, renewal. We need hope now more than ever to help us face the challenges of these days. During Lent we may be tempted to focus on the negative – on all we have had to give up – but that is not the aim. We do penance to bring about our conversion. In recognizing our sinfulness, we are reminded that Jesus died for us while we were still sinners to give us the promise of everlasting life! (see Romans 5:8) Lent is therefore a time to give God permission to help us turn away from the things that prevent us from living a truly fulfilled life and embrace the victory Jesus has won for us. It is his promise of new life to us.
Le Carême est une saison d'espérance. Cela signifie un nouveau printemps, un renouveau. Nous avons plus que jamais besoin d’espérance pour nous aider à relever les défis de ces jours. Pendant le Carême, nous pouvons être tentés de nous concentrer sur le négatif : en songeant à toutes les choses dont nous avons dû nous priver. Mais ce n'est pas notre objectif. Nous faisons pénitence pour provoquer notre conversion. En reconnaissant notre condition de pécheurs, nous nous rappelons que Jésus est mort pour nous alors que nous étions encore pécheurs pour nous donner la promesse de la vie éternelle! (voir Romains 5, 8.) Le Carême est donc le moment d’accorder la permission à Dieu de nous aider à nous détourner des choses qui nous empêchent de vivre une vie pleinement épanouie et à embrasser la victoire que Jésus a remportée pour nous : sa promesse d'une vie nouvelle pour nous.
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18) Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love
« Voici que nous montons à Jérusalem... » (Mt 20, 18) Le Carême : un temps pour renouveler notre foi, notre espérance et notre charité
These are the Diocese of Saint John guidelines of Lenten observance for the faithful. The liturgical season of lent begins February 17.
Le temps liturgique du Carême commence le 26 février. Les normes qui suivent s’appliquent aux fidèles du diocèse de Saint John pendant le Carême.
Lent affords a perfect opportunity to grow closer to St. Joseph. Father Donald Calloway, MIC [Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary] has written a resource for this, Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of our Spiritual Father. This book is designed to be a self-guided retreat and may be followed on an individual basis or as a part of a group. A small Canadian start-up hopes to help to bridge the COVID-19 vaccine divide between rich and poor nations. The liturgy is not a spectacle to be observed but a prayerful event where Christians encounter Christ's presence in their lives, Pope Francis said. Throughout the Catholic Church's long history, people have been tempted to practice a private or "intimist Christianity" that failed to recognize the importance of the liturgy in spiritual life, the pope said. Norms for Lenten observance / Normes pour le carême
«Cette célébration répond à un appel clair que le Pape François a adressé à toute l’humanité pour construire un présent de paix dans la rencontre avec l’autre», a souligné le cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot MCCJ, Président du Conseil Pontifical pour le Dialogue Interreligieux. «En octobre 2020, cette invitation est devenue encore plus vivante avec l’Encyclique Fratelli tutti. Ces rencontres sont un moyen de parvenir à une véritable amitié sociale, comme nous le demande le Saint-Père», a-t-il ajouté.
The Holy Father will mark the International Day of Human Fraternity in a virtual meeting on 4 February, the date set by the United Nations General Assembly for this new annual occasion. The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue offers a website for this special day:
Pope Francis announced the establishment of a World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly as a reminder of the important role they play as a link between generations. The first celebration of this day will be July 25. Religious education must focus on leading people to a personal relationship with Christ and building a community of believers where the talents of each person are valued and where all go out to share the Gospel and serve the poor, Pope Francis said. Students of St. Pius X High School in Ottawa were treated to a very special virtual guest speaker on January 22 — alumni Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC of the Diocese of Saint John.
On this Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL) provides their message and resources to celebrate the 25th World Day for Consecrated Life.