The pandemic has affected everyone, but nowhere are the effects more visible than among the poor. Evelyn McNulty, executive director of Romero House Soup Kitchen in Saint John said, “Pre-Covid we were a dine-in service, but of course we had to go to a take-out service, which really changed how we serve our food. Meals also had to be prepared in advance and boxed up, in order to serve people quickly and efficiently. Faith communities that have come together to demand action to address climate change before it is too late are happy that the federal government has put forward a plan that appears to address many of their concerns, but they say governments in Canada can still do a lot more. The end of our long COVID crisis may be in sight, but until we get there churches and faith leaders still have a job to do, Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam told over 1,300 faith leaders on a January 20, nationwide Zoom call.
Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC of the Diocese of Saint John has written a letter to priests and faithful on the Year of Saint Joseph, and an addendum with resources for how to participate more fully in the Year of Saint Joseph. These can be found in this issue of The New Freeman, starting on pages 6 and 7. Mary-Anne Ruggles, Catholic Christian Outreach Connect leader, gives an update on faith studies at the University of New Brunswick via the Instagram account, campusministry @unb. As the newest and youngest member of the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) at St. Anthony’s Parish in Bloomfield, PEI, Joanie Chislett hopes to carry the rich legacy of the organization forward to future generations. The 38-year-old mother of two says the decision to join in January 2020 was a long time coming.
Pope Francis invites Catholics around the world to deepen their appreciation, love and faithful witness to God and His Word - especially on the third Sunday in ordinary time (January 24, 2021) which is “dedicated to celebration, to reflection and proclamation of the Word of God; so that believers can understand the inexhaustible wealth which comes from this constant dialogue of God with his people."
Le Pape François invite les catholiques du monde entier à approfondir leur appréciation, leur amour et leur témoignage fidèle de Dieu et de sa Parole - en particulier lors le troisième dimanche du temps ordinaire (24 janvier 2021) qui est «consacré à la célébration, à la réflexion et à la proclamation de la Parole de Dieu; afin que les croyants puissent comprendre l’inépuisable richesse qui provient de ce dialogue constant de Dieu avec son peuple.»
Saint Joseph is needed now more than ever to intercede powerfully for our Church, country, and families. On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis decreed a “Year of Saint Joseph”, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as patron of the universal Church.
As your Bishop I invite you to enter this Year of Saint Joseph with fervency, participating in any number of the special prayers and practices available to us. An Addendum with ideas for the parishes and faithful on how to participate more fully in this Year of Saint Joseph is attached to this letter for your consideration.
Nous avons besoin plus que jamais de saint Joseph pour intercéder puissamment pour notre Église, notre pays et nos familles. Le 8 décembre 2020, le Pape François a décrété une « Année de saint Joseph », pour commémorer le 150 e anniversaire de la proclamation de saint Joseph comme patron de l'Église universelle.
En tant que votre Évêque, je vous invite à participer avec ferveur en cette Année de saint Joseph, en participant aux nombreuses prières et pratiques spéciales dont nous disposons. J’ai joint en annexe à cette lettre des idées pour les paroisses et les fidèles sur la manière de participer plus pleinement à cette Année de saint Joseph.
Recognizing "the gifts of each baptized person" — women and men — Pope Francis ordered a change to canon law and liturgical norms so that women could be formally installed as lectors and acolytes. This January youth leaders with the Diocese of Saint John are gearing up to offer Youth Alpha at the Diocesan level. While various Youth Alphas have been offered locally in different regions, this will be the first offering at the diocesan level. For anyone who has ever thought they might have been happier as a monk or a nun, living the contemplative life, this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is your chance to try it out.
Ahead of the beginning of Lent, on Wednesday, 17 February, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has published a note detailing how Catholic priests are to distribute ashes.
La Congrégation pour le Culte divin et la discipline des Sacrements a fait paraître mardi 12 janvier une note sur le déroulé particulier du mercredi des Cendres, dans les circonstances sanitaires exceptionnelles du moment.
La Semaine annuelle de prière pour l’unité chrétienne sera célébrée du 18 au 25 janvier 2021 sur le thème « Demeurez dans mon amour et vous porterez du fruit en abondance » (Jean 15,5-9). Les ressources, en français et en anglais, peuvent être téléchargées gratuitement à partir du site web canadien pour la Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens.
The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated 18 to 25 January 2021 on the theme “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15:5-9). The resources in English and in French can be freely downloaded from the Canadian website for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Former Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick and now chancellor at St. Thomas University hopes to promote education on campus and beyond. STU campus minister Vivien Zelazny discusses the silver linings of extending campus outreach online. Communion and Liberation (CL) choirs in Montreal and Toronto continue concerts online to support the Aid to the Church in Need’s Lebanon campaign. Deacons bringing Church to the people in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Government debate continues regarding Canada’s legally-sanctioned euthanasia system.