The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, in the heart of Saint John, strives to be “a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, §28).
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is
many things to many people.
First and foremost, it is a place of faith.
It always has been and always will be.
Yet it also serves as a gathering space, a landmark, a symbol and more.
Read Bishop Riesbeck's December 2024 update on the Cathedral Restoration efforts.
Read Bishop Riesbeck's Letter for the second Annual Collection to benefit the Cathedral Restoration.
La Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception,
bien située au cœur de Saint John,
s'efforce d'être une «communauté de communautés, sanctuaire où les assoiffés viennent boire pour continuer à marcher, et centre d'un constant envoi missionnaire. » (Pape François, Evangelii Gaudium, §28).
La Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception
représente différentes choses pour différentes personnes.
Elle est avant tout un lieu de foi.
Elle l'a toujours été et le sera toujours.
Pourtant, elle sert également d'espace de rassemblement, de point de repère, de symbole et plus encore.
Lire la lettre de Mgr Riesbeck pour la deuxième collecte annuelle au profit de la restauration de la Cathédrale.
Please make cheques payable to:
Diocese of Saint John
115 Villa Madonna Road
Rothesay NB E2H 2X4
Please indicate in the memo field where you would like the funds to be directed (ie, Diocese of Saint John, Cathedral Restoration, Indigenous Fund, Refugee Fund). A tax receipt will be issued once your funds have been deposited. Thank you for your generosity, God bless you!
Please contact our Finance Department if you would like to make a one-time or recurring secure credit card donation by calling 506 653-6800 (press 5 for the Finance Department).
Please follow this link for information on how to make a donation via e-transfer.
115 Villa Madonna Road
Rothesay, NB E2H 2X4
email: [email protected]
tel/tél: 506-653-6800