OUR MISSION: Led by the Holy Spirit through the Gospel and the Eucharist, we are called to raise up disciples who are joyfully living out the mission, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and making disciples of others.
OUR VISION: Led by the Holy Spirit, all the faithful (clergy, consecrated and lay) have a deep and personal relationship with Jesus and his Church; all parishes are welcoming, invitational and vibrant communities where people are evangelized, discipled, and missioned to go and make disciples of others (Matthew 28:19-20).
As of January 1, 2025, the Board has approved 216 projects from across Canada, including nine from our diocese. I am very grateful for the work of our dedicated local IRF committee, whose report is included with this letter to provide information about the exciting projects that have been funded in our diocese.
To assist in this important work, the Diocese of Saint John takes up a special collection for the IRF annually at the Lord’s Day Masses on the last weekend of January. Your generous financial support of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund will be part of our action plan moving forward to support various initiatives for healing and reconciliation involving our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
You may contribute to this fundraising appeal using the special collection envelopes in your boxed sets at Masses for the weekend of January 25-26.
Au 1er janvier 2025, le conseil d'administration a approuvé 216 projets provenant de tout le Canada, dont neuf dans notre diocèse. Je suis très reconnaissant du travail de notre comité local du IRF, dont le rapport est joint à cette lettre pour fournir des informations sur les projets passionnants qui ont été financés dans notre diocèse. Pour appuyer cet effort important, le diocèse de Saint John organise chaque année une collecte spéciale pour l'IRF lors des messes du Jour du Seigneur, la dernière fin de semaine de janvier. Votre soutien financier généreux au Fonds de réconciliation avec les autochtones fera partie de notre plan d'action pour soutenir diverses initiatives de guérison et de réconciliation impliquant nos frères et sœurs autochtones. Vous pouvez contribuer à cet appel de collecte de fonds en utilisant les enveloppes de collecte spéciales qui se trouvent dans vos boîtes lors des messes du fin de semaine des 25 et 26 janvier.
Our local IRF committee is very grateful to work with the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund. The approval of these nine projects as well as applications to be received through the coming year and beyond allows us to continue moving forward with concrete actions in learning about and acting on the
Calls to Action of the National Truth and Reconciliation Report, especially the Calls to Action that are directed at Churches. We encourage and welcome your generosity with the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Collection to be taken up throughout the diocese the last weekend of January 2025. With your ongoing help and support the diocese is expected to meet its funding target within the year and looks forward to supporting the important work of reconciliation and healing for years to come."
The Holy Spirit is on the move at the Cathedral! As we continue to respond to the spiritual needs of the faithful through, there remain immediate needs at the Cathedral that must be properly managed in order to be good stewards of this beautiful place of worship. This Giving Tuesday, please consider supporting the Cathedral Restoration.
In this Jubilee Year may we, as Pilgrims of Hope guided by the Holy Spirit, truly recognize the spark of hope that dwells in the heart of each person we encounter, that desire for and expectation of good things and happiness. May we, Pilgrims of Hope, enkindle and fan into flame that hope with our proclamation in word and deed that Jesus is alive, that he loves us, and is the fulfillment of all our truest desires and dreams!
En cette année jubilaire, puissions-nous, en tant que pèlerins de l'espérance guidés par l'Esprit Saint, reconnaître vraiment l'étincelle d'espérance qui habite le cœur de chaque personne que nous rencontrons, ce désir et cette attente de bonnes choses et de bonheur. Puissions-nous, pèlerins de l'espérance, raviver et attiser cette espérance en proclamant, en paroles et en actes, que Jésus est vivant, qu'il nous aime et qu'il est l'accomplissement de tous nos désirs et de tous nos rêves les plus sincères !
Catechetical resource on plenary indulgences for the Jubilee Year along with the texts of the Apostolic Blessings. These resources come from Decree on the Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 called by His Holiness Pope Francis.